Alkali-silicareactie in beton

Deze bijdrage bestaat uit een wetenschappelijk artikel over het optreden van Alkali-silicareactie (ASR) in beton. Het is gepubliceerd in het tijdschrift ‘Cement and Concrete Research’ (Elsevier, vol. 105, maart 2018) dat via de website van ScienceDirect toegankelijk is (zie hierna).


The current theory of ASR gel formation in concrete between silicic acid anions with cations and is unable to explain the differences in concentration required for gel formation between e.g. potassium and sodium or the effect of calcium on the gel formation. In this paper, a new gelation mechanism is explained by means of a condensation between silicic acid anions. The role of salts on the ASR gel formation and gel time is described by their charge screening capacity of the silicic acid, resulting in the decreasing concentration range for gelation: Ca < Mg < Cs < Rb < K < Na < Li. A Cation Gelling Strength (CGS) is defined to assess the cation strength when different cations are present. Silica gel formation will moreover in many cases form a calcium silica precipitate rather than a gel that will be difficult to distinguish from CSH formed during hydration.

Meer lezen?

Het volledige artikel vindt u via deze link: Fundamentals of alkali-silica gel formation and swelling: Condensation under influence of dissolved salts – ScienceDirect

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